Wednesday, December 3, 2008

10 Euthanasia Questions Worthy of Reflection

Thought we'd try something a little different and really give you the reader a chance to ponder and weight in on some interesting questions pertaining to the topic of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

1. If euthanasia and assisted suicide were to become legalized in Canada, what role should doctors play? Should they be limited to deciding who’s eligible? Prescribing the fatal dosage? Administering the fatal dose? Or perhaps, some combination of all three?

2. If euthanasia and assisted suicide were to become legalized in Canada, how would the cost be covered? Would it be covered under provincial health plans or would it be user pay?

3. Is someone who’s sentenced to death in the US and refuses to appeal actually partaking in assisted suicide? According to the current legislation the appeal is mandatory because to do otherwise would be considered assisted suicide.

4. If euthanasia and assisted suicide services become readily available, will the poor who can’t afford palliative care be overrepresented in those choosing to be euthanized?

5. Why is suicide legal and assisted suicide illegal in Canada? Do the two acts not share the same principal of one person wanting to end their life and that that those using assisted suicide are just physically unable to kill themselves without help?

6. If euthanasia and assisted suicide were to become legalized in Canada, should mental pain and physical pain be considered equal under the law?

7. If euthanasia and assisted suicide were to become legalized, would people convicted of second-degree murder for performing euthanasia or aiding in suicides be released from prison?

8. If euthanasia and assisted suicide services become readily available, will elderly who otherwise would have fought to survive elect for euthanasia to avoid feeling burdensome?

9. If euthanasia and assisted suicide were to become legalized in Canada, would you assist someone who was terminally ill? Would you want someone to assist you if you were terminally ill?

10. Should euthanasia and assisted suicide be legalized in Canada and if so, under what circumstances?

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